WARNING: Company worker limit re-added

Day 1,536, 01:10 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

When you use worker "works" in your companies, slots will now turn green. These slots can then no longer be used until the next day-change.

- Overall tank production will fall, compared to the production of recent days
- Commune managers will have a massive headache.
- Military groups will have to purchase more tanks off the market.
- Tank prices ~should~ rise back up
- Military units will be creating more RMs than recently, but WRM prices should rise regardless, because they tend to mirror the prices of tanks.

Theoretically, anyone that has been making a ton of tanks recently should be able to make a good profit in about a week if tanks raise back up in prices (I have 1500 saved up because it has been tough to sell them lately).

I have no idea how this change may effect wages, specifically in the eUS. I suspect that as long as WRM prices mirror tank prices then there should be little effect on average wages, with maybe a plus or minus of $10 to $15 to the current job market offer, but nothing more drastic than that.
