Vote Rylde NWT

Day 1,131, 02:24 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Hey this is Rylde from the Military Dictatorship Party running for Norsefire party in NWT. I could use your vote this christmas day for congress. I actually kind of find it funny that I find myself running in the NWT for a couple reasons.

#1-I'm originally from the NWT as my alot of my RL family and friends are. Spent alot of years freezing my ass off.

#2-I just finished a 11hr drive to spend christmas in the NWT IRL. Sitten north of sixty as I type and you read.

Outside of that crap as a member of the MDP I'm very pro military-defence and always have and always will be. I heard there's a problem with activity in the congress forum at times from some of those elected. I will not be one of these and I will take an active part in all congress discussions if elected.

Anyways I'm beat and santa's comin so time to crash. Vote for rylde and help bild the MDP party influence in eCanada.

Feel free to troll. Nothings more fun than trolling back.