Vote for the way the United States of America is heading!

Day 5,921, 01:39 Published in USA USA by Matrixbabayaga

Just for personal and to let everyone no if everyone is doing the right thing or you think they could do better with
The overall plan of USA,
If you think the funds of America are being used right or do you know,
Are we fighting as a single unit or is everyone out for themselves,
Are you proud to be apart of the United States of America?

Reply 1 if you like the way things are headed!

Reply 2 if you think American needs changes and what!

Reply 3 If you are unsure and need more information or neutral!

The more that participate in the poll will help everyone know what everyone's opinions are in USA, Help Government select a better strategy or stay with the same, Get your own opinion out there without prejudice and be heard!