Vote for Soliden in Indiana!

Day 1,740, 09:26 Published in USA USA by Soliden

It's election time and that means that it is up to you to vote for the best candidate to fill a congressional seat. I am running in the state of Indiana on behalf of the AMP and I could really use your vote. Now you might be asking why? Well here's a run down:


Taxation/Economy: I am content with the way taxes are being handled right now, and I aim to keep them at their current rates. The economy does suck, but that's mostly on part of the developers and there isn't much we can do as a player base. I would like to keep the bonuses that we have to ensure that our citizens are producing goods at an efficient level.

Internal Afairs: I really want what's best for the eUS. That being said, I plan on listening to the concerns of the citizens in this nation, and I aim to take a hard stance against foreign immigration. That's not saying I don't want foreigners here, because they do contribute to the eUS in their own way, however, I aim to keep those foreigners that mean to hurt our nation out. (Looking at you, Servs)

Foreign Affairs: My goal is to work with our allies, and possibly help gain some new ones. I am not really a fan of what GloveisLove proposed with 4Fun, but in the end, it is a game and the MPP with eHungary and eUK will only last a month. It will definitely be interesting to see how this alliance will play out in the future.


I've been highly involved with this game since I came back from (what I thought) was the terrible V2 incarnation of this game. I was the acting ambassador to eRussia for several months, and I am now the current ambassador to eGermany. Upon my immediate return, I also joined our Armed Forces and then transferred to Rogue Squadron (GO ROGUE!) once the Division changes were implemented. I am currently the Blue Squadron Leader, and I mean to make sure that all of our national MUs continue to have government support for their operations.

Vote for me in Indiana on the 25th!