Vote Draim in Tasmania!

Day 1,738, 23:58 Published in Australia Australia by DraimAlexander

Draim's house

G'day Australia!

After a month off from the Senate (though the ANP has been well represented) I think it's time to come back.

Luckily we have a bit more we can do this term beside get back our territories. Australia has fought well since the last elections and will likely have to fight more. Our defense is obviously an important matter that is mostly the domain of the CP and the ADF but the senate does have a roll especially in advising (and occasionally voting). The question of peace is the biggest one that is already coming up and will continue to. It's a difficult one that is not easy. In general I will always fight for a way for us to keep, at the very least, our home regions and will NEVER be ok with giving one of them away unless a replacement which helps us is offered). I will also always look for a way for us to have something to do. In general the populace gets antsy and frustrated if we're at complete peace for too long (it is, in the end, a war game at least as much as a political/economic one and usually more so). Because of that keeping up battles for our allies and/or against our close neighbors (whether practice or not) is important in the long run.

The other big task ahead for the senate is it's organization (and that of the rest of the countries government). With the vote to replace the constitution during this last term (and a constant debate about the organization of the body) this is likely to become a strong part of the debate for the next month. While I don't pretend to have all the answers I do have my own priorities and opinions:

The CP is elected by the whole of Australia to lead the people with a special focus on the foreign and military policy.
The Senate (Congress) runs the domestic side of things and as advice and consent powers with the CP. It has the full in game ability for taxes, alliances, citizenship and war.
The CP is able to vote on everything the comes up for ingame vote. Because of that they are essentially an additional congress member with some added powers and responsibilities.
Because fo those in game realities the CP should have a vote in the on forum senate just as they do in game.
The senate can delegate to the Executive and the other way around but they retain full responsibility for their areas and should maintain oversight.
In game law is important but the forums are not unimportant. The game always has some aspect of roll playing and just does not offer the full requirements for even a basic government in game. We will always need the forum and some sort of forum rules.

What do YOU think?

Remember to vote for DraimAlexander Day 1740 (Saturday erep time, Sunday/Monday Australian time ). You will find me in Tasmania under the ANP ballot!

PS: This isn't about the gold, Witherd1 had the right idea so I'm stealing it. If I win the 5g reward will go to the ADF. If you haven't joined you should! Protect Australia!