Vers mindenkinek.

Day 5,689, 06:04 Published in Hungary Hungary by Magus79


Sajnos nem vagyok elég aktív és talán jó vezető se div3-ban.
Picit el is fáradtam és érzem ettől többre is lehetnék képest de nem tudok.
Gratulálok a héten az új rangokért akik hajtanak és meg is csinálták.
Div3 még így is erősödött, hogy nem tettem érte.
Kaptak 1 ledületett és viszik tovább csak épp én fáradtam el.
Nem vagyok jó mentor, pedig azt hittem a legjobb vagyok.
Be fogom fejezni amit elkeztem és ezért mindent meg is fogok tenni!
Elnézést srácok, hogy most picit magatokra hagytalak titeket de látom, hogy ennek ellenére azért fel találjátok magatokat.
Mindig is büszke leszek rátok!

Köszönöm a sok támogatást nektek!

"Hogy fájt, mikor csúfoltak és kínoztak
És sokszor jobb lett volna lenni rossznak,

Mert álom a bűn és álom a jóság,
De minden álomnál több a valóság,

Hogy itt vagyok már és még itt vagyok
S tanuskodom a napról, hogy ragyog.

Én isten nem vagyok s nem egy világ,
Se északfény, se áloévirág.

Nem voltam jobb, se rosszabb senkinél,
Mégis a legtöbb: ember, aki él"

Foreword (English)

I must not tell to anyone,
So, tell it I will to everyone,

I tried to whisper - mouth to ear the reach -
To all of you, but one to one with each.

That secret, though the same, when said and done,
Is only meant to pass from one to one.

That secret for which I - so once conspired -,
Came into the world all bloodied and mired,

The word, that secret, that tiny miracle,
That I should search and find that other one
And whisper in her ear: do pass it on.

I must not tell to anyone,
So, tell it I will to everyone.

‘Tis half-way out, I almost said my bit,
It used to stick before I blurted it.

One just blushed, was hot from all of this,
She whispered, too, but it had turned to kiss.

The other hardened to ice, she froze,
Went to her grave, she left me, I suppose.

I must not tell to anyone,
So, tell it I will to everyone.

The third, she gave me a sudden look,
She laughed, I laughed, that's all it took.

As a child, I wrote on a doing list:
Talk to god if he does exist.

Not in a burning bush, nor wine, nor bread,
Had he appeared for me, that must be said.

In vain I waited, with envious persistence,
was judged unworthy to trust in his existence.

I must not tell to anyone,
So, tell it I will to everyone.

That teasing and torture hurt, to give them voice:
To be bad could well have been a better choice.

For sin and goodness, are merely dreams it seems
And reality is greater than the dreams,

That here I am, perhaps for days to come,
As witness to the shining of the sun.

I am no god, no world, I dare assume,
No northern light, nor aloe vera bloom.

Not better or worse than others in my tribe,
Yet I'm the most: a human who's alive.

Relation, acquaintance am I to all
Descendant, successor am I to all

I must not tell to anyone,
So, tell it I will to everyone.

Tell I will, or I would tell,
But lame my hands and I stutter as well.

I 'd tell where the road leads, I know the bends,
Do try to help me, reach out your hands.

Lift me to speak, to see, to live - you must…
I cannot be speaking down here in the dust.

Discarded the rattle, bells I have none,
My voice in the dust is one to shun.

Foot on my chest, trodden down I lie,
Do come and lift me, do lift me high.

From many on offer, a pulpit I'll hire,
Let me go up it to what I aspire.

I don't yet know it, I don't know what I'll say,
But think 'tis glad tidings I'll bring today.

Glad tidings, good news, rainbows and secrets
For you, whom I loved,
Whilst wide-eyed, standing, for wonders I waited.

Which I cannot tell to anyone,
Which I now will tell to everyone.
Kery, Leslie A.
