Upcoming Proposed Changes to Unity (Keep Calm, Part Deux)

Day 2,021, 18:35 Published in USA USA by Talostastic

Once again, there has been a massive resurgence in buttmaddery in the eUSA, though this epidemic is a little more understandable than the previous one I wrote about.

There was a mixup in WTP's Primaries. You can read Hale26's version of the events here.

There's also people pissed about AlexJ1890's article about wanting to move to a weighted or popular vote for Unity Primaries. They say it's the result of sour grapes, or some such nonsense.

Before AlexJ1890's article there was the outburst of people in #FedPartyChat discussing the legitimate possibility of The Feds breaking away from Unity because they didn't like the upcoming results given to us by the current system. It was short lived, and quickly squashed by the awesome Josh Frost.

Which brings me to my next point. Now is not yet the time to end Unity, but it is time to change Unity.

There are two ways this can be accomplished, but "weighing" a party's vote based on it's membership is not the solution.

The best solution, which ignores party size and gives everyone a voice, is an Aggregated Primary System.

Primaries will still be carried out in much the same fashion as before, with a given party doing whatever they have been doing to collect their votes.

But instead of "Winning" a party, at the end, all the votes are pooled into the center. Every person who decides to participate in their Primary has a voice. This leaves the security of those Primaries where they've been in the current system, up to the party holding the Primary, though there will be a centralized verification in my proposal as well.

There are still a couple of kinks to work out.
That role will the T6 play, since their current role is mostly a tiebreaker under the current Unity rules?
Will there be a certain Gap Threshold where we have to include the Party Electoral College to make a determining factor? (Think of it like The House of Representatives, where it's based on population, and The Senate, where every "state" gets an equal voice)?
Will it ever become centralized? Does it need to become centralized?

These are things that will be worked out in the coming days.

Rest assured though, the Party Presidents will have a proposal in front of them within a week.

Vice Party President
We The People