Two Items to Be Addressed by New Administration

Day 1,782, 07:08 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by David Allenkey

Now that the CP elections have been completed, I think I speak for many when I raise the first two issues that the new administration in eIreland has to tackle. The robbery of our treasury, and the aggressiveness by the eUK in taking back Scottland and Northern Ireland.

Understandably, the robbery will take time to be sorted out. Understood. I have been told by Rikian that we will have information as soon as it becomes available.

As far as the eUK taking back two regions that were agreed upon to be ours as part of the Peace Treaty with the eUK, answers are needed. It appears that the eUK feels that they received the short end of the stick. What is the next step? Is the treaty considered void by their actions? Do we fight to get those two regions back, or do we fight to get our Irish regions back? What is the next step?