Tuesday Atlas: Trade Partners (30/08/2011)

Day 1,378, 17:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

Trade Partners?

Not many people will have a clue where I am going with this, but please do continue to read.

Having someone to trade with is essential now, someone you can get cheap weapons off, someone that you trust to loan to and them loan to you, or if you don't want to risk the loaning game, do you give me this I give you this method.

May seem tedious and pointless, but in recent events it has become more and more important.

As prices drop and rise, and sometimes rise to an extent people cannot afford what they used to, don't feel like you aint achieving anything, because you are.

You just need to go around the current problem a different way.

Having someone you can buy cheap weapons off, lets say something like 30-33 GBP per Q5 weapon, doesn't sound much of a difference, but when you put it into the long term plan, you will save yourself a pretty healthy bundle of cash.

Ofcourse its not about buying stuff cheaply, there has to be ways to make a profit on both sides; so, one could supply cheap WRM or FRM to the one who has a factory (preferable the one with the highest grade.) then the player with the lowest grade factory works for the player with the highest grade factory to produce the weapons or food. (wages will have to be organised between you, as sometimes profit is made or there is a loss when wages are involved.)

There's benefits for both sides, but the details will have to be worked out between you, as I don't know everyone's situation (as much as I would like to, but I don't)

You have been reading Atlas News on Tuesday (A economic day... sort of)

I hope it was worth the read, if so/not please comment below.

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