Time for a Quiz

Day 2,214, 10:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Marcotje

Hello eWorld,

Today, I will do something different than usual. Instead of writing a very political article, I want to do something more fun. Here it is! Your own very special puzzle. The puzzle starts now.

The answer is a sentence with 5 words, 1 punctuation mark and 19 letters. I have hidden several clues in this puzzle to make sure I will find the correct answer.

As this is my first puzzle (I will make more if you enjoy it) I will not make it very difficult. Stay focused and pay attention! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I.

Looks familiar

Before I tell you the clue, I would like to talk a bit about me as I noticed many people don't know this about me and well, the next part I'm going to tell you is pretty important. As some of you might know, I'm from the Netherlands and even though I always elived here, I made some eDutch friends and they always ask me the question. The question is what is eMalaysia? Then I tell them about the friends I've made here and it's more fun here than anywhere else.

So here is the clue you have all been waiting for:
Did I tell you how important captions of pictures are? It would be a shame if there would be a grammar mistake in it.

The quiz ends here. It became more difficult than I intended at first but I'm curious to see if someone can solve this. First to answer the correct answer gets at least 10 Q7 weapons!

Good Luck!

PS: I noticed it's difficult 😛 so here is a list of the words that are wrong:
- Keep
- Calm
- I
- Look
- Bdexter

Keep it up guys!

There might be an important word in here

One of the words is me. I made a grammar mistake so I have to give this word. Apparently native speakers make this mistake as well lol so I hope you understand. Sorry...