This is a Tad Chaotic

Day 1,081, 11:55 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

I awoke this morning to a new message and 9 new notifications, which seemed a little out of the ordinary. Getting one message is nothing special, however 9 notifications is a little over the top. I clicked the message icon first to see who had sent me that message. It was from the admins with a title of “Military Skills Migration”. Thinking that this meant that I would have an opportunity to change my military skills around if I wanted, I initially ignored the message and headed onwards to find out what these 9 notifications were all about.

The words “You have advanced 100 strength points and you have obtained a ‘Super Soldier’ Medal” was repeated 9 times.

Fantastic! was my first thought. After all, who couldn’t use more gold? Then I realized that as of yesterday there were no Super Soldier medals so I went back to the message from the admins to actually read it.

After I was done reading about yet another rollback to the way things were done in V1, I headed off to go collect my 9 treasure maps. I clicked, and clicked, and clicked until I had amassed a solid 50ishs gold. I was a little surprised that my average find had been well over 5g per map, but hey, who’s complaining?

This day seemed good so far. I headed to my profile to see my new strength stat and how it compared to everyone else’s. But before I managed to do anything, I quickly realized that I only have 7 SS medals. But I received 9 maps for it. (Yeah, I’m honest enough to admit it, how about the rest of you? 😉 What's even better is the fact that eRepublik won't even let me submit a ticket to turn myself in...)

Not quite sure what to make of this, I headed on to irc to see if this had happened with anyone else.
It did.

I heard some interesting stories while I listened in on conversations. Some people found their total military rank points cut in half. Others had received no maps at all. Some had suspicions that their strength had not been transferred properly. Some received far more than just 2 extra maps. And then some (including myself) continued to be rewarded with more.

Yes. I had already been rewarded with 2 more treasure maps than I deserved, but an hour later I had miraculously earned another 3 without gaining any SS medals or strength.

Now, those examples were from the 5 or 6 people who were actively chatting on irc. Although there’s no doubt in my mind that everyone enjoys getting gold, just take a moment to consider how much extra gold has been given out today.

I’ve gotten somewhere around the 25g mark of extra, I know of a person who has received 12 extra maps at last count. Yes. 12. If said person receives an average of 5 gold on those 12 maps, that’s 60 extra gold that shouldn’t have been given out.

Just about every person I have talked to on irc has gotten bugged gold of some sort. Needless to say that the sudden abundance of gold produced overnight without bugs would mess a bit with the economy, but if everyone is receiving random amounts of extra gold on top of the gold they actually earned, this eWorld is about to get a little chaotic for the next few days.

Some might claim that the admins will clean it up and the problem will resolve itself, but I have 2 problems with that.
1. Players will have spent the gold on things such as boosters, Health packs, etc
2. Players have done all they can to hide the gold via Monetary market exchanges

Will the admins be able to reclaim all of this gold? I personally doubt it, and if they do that gold will have already made a large effect on the eWorld whether it be in battles, Monetary markets, or the stock of companies (after all, who wouldn’t want to buy as many Q5 tanks as possible?)
Actually, that brings up another point. Having a wide variety of weapon types (artillery, tank, etc..) is slowly becoming more and more needless… but that’s a story for another time.

So anyways, what exactly am I trying to say here?
Well, let me put it this way.
The admins are like an oil company. They just made a big spill and had better hurry and clean it up before the oil causes drastic problems.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the new admin avatar!
