The true face of Spain and ROLA

Day 2,037, 12:26 Published in Belarus Spain by Nuclear NueveOcho

Dear friends, panpas, oçes,
The true face of ROLA and Spain has been discovered. Enjoy 🙂

Dedicated to New Faustian Man \o/

Are you a D3 or D4 fighter? Are you active? do you like having fun? Are you a TWO soldier? Are you looking for a MU with many DOs so it can also help your MM?

Well, don’t look any further! Join OWL ARMY! We are recruting!

In order to join write a PM to either me or Soloks and we will discuss your admission.

Please, remember to vote, subscribe and shout, this chick already did :3

Wanna see more countryballs? Then click here

Also, if you want, like my facebook page with Spainball's pictures, funny polls, and eR trolling stuff 🙂

The true face of Spain and ROLA