The State of AIM Prior to The Tournament

Day 2,003, 14:29 Published in USA Spain by FunctionNine

With such a momentous Tournament unfolding this week around the competition between Military Units, I thought it would be useful to examine a snapshot of US-AIM before the Tournament began, then we can later compare some numbers after the Tournament is over.

One caveat to these figures: some of our affiliates have recruited "ringers" (that's what we call them in sports) to help them succeed in the Tourny. ST6 and Praetorian Guard have been heavily recruiting and offering big Gold Bonuses to unaffiliated tanks if they would join them for the week.

Easy Company also made some noise about recruiting, though I have not heard any news about them offering any Gold bonuses, so it appears that they merely opened the "recruitment door" to allow anyone who wants to contribute to join.

If you are aware of any other US-AIM MU which is accepting new members for the Tourny, post the information.

It is my advice that some of our smaller MU's should consider joining one of our bigger MU's so that we can get as many AIM MU's into the top 50.

Now on to the assessment.

Damage Done
The following statistics include all damages done over the past week. (Please note that the infamous "Day 2000" was among the days contributing to these statistics, so there will be some skew from that.

So as you can see by these figures, ST6 stands the greatest chance from among our affiliates of achieving great results during the ongoing Tournament.

Easy Company and Praetorian Guard will be in close competition with one another.

The US Marine Corps also stands a great chance to achieve an admirable result.

It will be interesting to examine the same figures in 1 week's time. I will be there to report them for you.

As always, if your MU has an interesting bit of news, please pass it along to me. The job of collecting news covering 16 MU's is too daunting a task without your help. Please use the link below to submit your idea for a story and I will follow up with my gumshoe beat.

Feel free to include the link to my form in your newspaper.

I look forward to reporting the news as it unfolds.

Good luck to all US-AIM MU's in the ongoing tournament.

Yours in Journalism,