The Rise of Regional Alliances and The VP

Day 1,051, 13:26 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

Table of Contents
Interview with Hamilton
-Who he is/what he's done
-What he's going to do
Mandatory hot girl to break up the tl;dr
-Canada and India
-Favorite people
-Proudest Accomplishment
-Other stuff
Regional Alliances
Famous Ending Quote

Do you want to give a brief summary of all the cool things you've done in eRep?

Alexander_Hamilton> Well first and foremost I was elected by the Feds to congress on July 25th 2009, I was reelected to congress with 0 votes in Maine attempting to prevent Habraka from winning a seat, however Russia conquered Maine before the 25th of August and the 10 candidates with the highest exp all got into congress with 0 votes; however I didn't really do anything in Congress
brief summary
cool things

Josh Frost asked me to join ST6 when he started up the militia, I was in it for about a month
no it's up to you
you can do a long version or a shorter one

Feds, CoS, MoFA, and VP

Alexander_Hamilton> I was an active Fed throughout this spring
I was/am in the leadership of the party
Choc/Ligtreb selected me for CoS in June and that was when I got onto the 'national scene' of the eUS
I wasn't not initially in the BR admin, but was one of HR's Deputy SoS when he replaced ... I forget her name....
Krems selected me to be his MoFA, yes MoFA; we decided to split up the position and have the SoS focus on the bureaucracy of the State Dept
Now I'm VP
it's great fun
oh yeah, I'm a DoCBO now too
Do you have any plans for what you want to do as VP?

Fill in as needed
I don't have any specific plans
Are you ever going to run for CP?
I have no desire to be President
Are you planning on joining up with the rest of the Dioists in Pakistan at some point?
I might need someplace warm and sandy to retire
What do you think of Canada being in the process of MPPing with India?

I think India is desperate and willing to donate gold to other countries treasuries and propose without receiving permission, which is interesting considering they claimed not to have any gold when they were seeking to renew with us.
India sent gold to Canada so they could propose the MPP?
Newton> Interesting
Do you think this will harm our relations with Canada?
We have asked our Canadian Bros to reject this MPP that seeks to divide us, however we will remain steadfast allies regardless of how the MPP vote turns out.
What would you say is the biggest issue facing the US today?
You should define that for people under 11 (it's a coldness, or unfeeling. a lack of emotion)

Well, we need players to stick around and fight the good fight. Congress needs some good people, the Military always needs new recruits, and Parties need new members who will work to secure our elections.
How do you think we can fight it?
Well, the new MPP rules will certainly make the military module more active, which should help. It's always good for older players to try and help noobs and keep a somewhat positive out look.
Newton> Who would you say is your closest friend in eRep?
I can't really answer that 😛 too many
Has eRep added any numbers to your cell phone?
So, name your top 3 closest friends in eRep. No particular order.
I feel like I would leave somebody out, and damage a friendship.
then name everyone who comes to mind, aha.
they'll understand that you have a finite memory. Either that or hate you for the rest of v1.5
Okay, moving on. What's your proudest accomplishment in erep?

Krems, Choc, Greene12, Tango, Onishi, fingerguns, and probably more
helping plan the invasion of Russia
Fun stuff. Thanks for that, btw
batterytime, David Landon, Gaius Julius
Is there any moment you'd like to go back and change?
besides naming more people on that list

I tanked in FER when choc attacked, I should have fought in Croatia instead
Do you like v1.5?
Inwegen too
yeah I like it
I like what they did with the mini battles
however I wish they would go back to the old wall
this percentage bar sucks
Meh. I like the new mini battles too, but I like the look of the bar
It must suck for planning battles though

having only 1 work skill is a bit too simplistic imo
yeah. I liked the happiness, time management, and numerous skills
well you used to be able to look at a battle and figure out how much damage you needed
now, you have to guess
but on the upside, you can say hey. We already won 5 battles. We're good here now.
there were too many skills in V2 for how small the population became imo
good point
they should probably cap how many wellness packs you can buy too
I mean I like that we took back LK, but it's a bit insane
Yeah, I agree. And get rid of the 1g=instant kill

Regional alliances

With the new MPP rules brings new opportunities. First, I'd like to examine the strengths and weaknesses of it briefly. It allows for many more wars, with more countries being involved. It also makes wars cheaper. The downsides are well known. Small countries are now really impossible to have, as highlighted in my last article. The bigger flaws are the 1g=1 instant kill, and unlimited wellness packs. Sossu did a good job covering that and the solutions, so I'll let that part be.

I see a new opportunity with the new rules however. It's a change many players have lusted for, since the inception of v1. Regional alliances. With the new MPP rules, it makes it so demand for alliances with the bigger countries gets yet bigger. EDEN and Phoenix will not be able to protect all of their members. It will be up to them individually. Now I suggest a solution. End EDEN and Phoenix.

Regional alliances could be so great. Imagine a North American Alliance, an Asian Alliance, a Baltic Alliance. This way Alliances would be alliances again. Consider why an Alliance is forme😛 for mutual protection. Since that is no longer offered, nations should look to their neighbors for protection, and power.

Consider the coming Pakistani-Indian war. Imagine if an Asian alliance was in place. India might actually stand a chance. I know what's required for this. We have to forget some of our history, our rivalries with other countries. But think of the payoff! Having strong regional alliances will promote a "our region is better than yours!" sort of mentality. It could be great fun.

Once more, the rules are now not made for big alliances. Look at all the chaos today, on the first day of the new war mod. It is impossible for all of EDEN/Phoenix to defend everything, everywhere. The new rules demand new alliances. Or at the very least sub-divisions within the big alliances. i.e. Croatia promises to always look out for Romania first, and vice versa.

In reality, this is probably what will happen. We'll still be EDEN or Phoenix, but we'll have our actual allies. The name will just be a name. But I'm suggesting a change, now. It's the only way for individual nations to survive now.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing."
Alexander Pope - English poet, 1680-1744