The President's Presidential Endorsement

Day 924, 18:43 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
Chocolate McSkittles' platform, vote it up

About a month ago, in the middle of a Vice Presidential mixup where I had to drop my announced Vice President and pick a new one, I thought I was never going to win the Presidential election. A few days later, I cruised to an easy mandate in a landslide victory against a good friend who had to drop out. It's amazing how a campaign can change in just a few days. After I dropped my first Vice President, I sought out a guy that matched my platform a bit more closely. I wanted a new guy who was ready for the next step. I'm an old guy, so I didn't want someone else like me. I wanted a guy who could one day be President, because I knew I was only a one term guy and I wanted to leave a legacy just like Scrabman left with me.

I got Chocolate McSkittles and I couldn't be happier in my Vice President's abilities to take over my office.

Choc has been in on every major decision this term. He has been instrumental in working with our Indian friends about Karnataka, which I am confident we will find an agreement on. Choc has been working on some great new deals with our brothers to the north to continue to promote free trade. He has been a faithful adviser to me. He has been my primary economic adviser all term.

Quite simply, Choc has the most experience of any candidate in the race. SVV has some experience as a military general from way back when, but not to the level that the Presidency demands. Colin was a faithful Chief of Staff for Woxan, but even the Chief of Staff job can't compare to the Presidency. He was a Secretary of State for me for a few days but had to resign for personal issues, so that is a bit more experience, though not a ton. Killing Time has spent a life time in Congress but little in the Executive. I do not emphasize Choc's experience advantage to slander the other candidates -- I do it because we too often overlook it. Now, more than ever, we need a President with experience. The President is now the clear and undisputed leader of the country; the path of the country, good or bad, sits on the President's shoulders, and I, for one, want to put my money in the experienced candidate. Leading the country takes instinct, courage, and responsibility. It takes the ability to make a split second decision that could drastically change the path of the country for months to come. This isn't hyperbole. I had to make a decision to defend Rhone Alps or China and I had to make it quickly. If we had made the wrong decision, who knows where we would have been the next day. In the first attempt on Lion King, I had to make a split second decision to spend more gold to start a battle in Limpopo -- a battle we ultimately won. It put us dangerously low on reserves, but we felt that it was the right decision, and South Africa was freed. NXNW approached me with a plan and I had to make a tough decision on whether or not to side with him, knowing our low reserves. Decisions, as simple as they may seem, are never clear cut.

Choc's Vice President, Ligtreb, is the picture perfect American. He works and doesn't take any credit, ever. He goes the grueling grunt work for jobs that get no public credit and he does them for months on end. Ligtreb deserves the Vice Presidency for his months of work in our country: give it to him. There is not a more humble American that I can think of, nor one more suited for the Vice Presidency, than my friend Ligtreb. Ligtreb was one of my first friends in the old USWP, and though I've never told him, he's one of the reasons I still play today, about 17 months later.

In conclusion, Choc is the perfect candidate. He is the most experienced candidate, he is a young candidate, and he is the only candidate, in my opinion, that is fully ready for the Presidency. On June 5th, you have a decision to make, and I hope this article sways you in to making the right decision -- voting for Chocolate McSkittles.

God bless America