The Power of SEAL Team SIX [V 2.0]

Day 1,833, 05:45 Published in Pakistan Brazil by GEN. ALADEEN

God Of War**

1. Mack Craft

God Of War*

1. A.3.G.I.S
2. Rhodesknight
3. Ralph Kline
5. Mr.A.Smith
6. Roberrto
7. SGTRock
8. anonymoushooligan
9. Blackbower
10. k0llht0s
11. SabreHawk
12. SergioA
13. George Barker
14. The-Comedian
15. CcC Iskender Buyuk CcC
16. Mountain7
17. dmgctrl

God Of War

1. Maxx Johnson
2. busdrivercAres
3. Clorox2
4. Animis
5. Darius Perkin
6. Dave Brinkman
7. Groovey
8. Results
9. LordRahl2
10. DisDuck
11. dullcica
12. shefutzu
13. Lalle
14. Cardam
15. Dukey Bear
16. NinjaMaker
17. iks3m
18. Fighter100
19. Edelmann
20. DonH0mer
21. gbr-blue
22. Abes182
23. Bob Turkee
24. morpheus666
25. Freemix13
26. Jason Statham Jr
27. Binda33
28. Red Duck
29. Antiko
30. T0urk0fag0s13
31. rengaru
32. GreyFool
33. legendary-leader
34. Commius
35. Flo0057
36. s0ver3ign
37. DimosG7
38. lightangelz
39. HeapSeppo
40. Loren Sh
41. Roboa
42. eBrainiacu

Up coming GoW

Legendary Force ***

1. Cubby
2. Dr Heisenberg
3. ManThigh
4. crisfire
5. Israel Stevens
6. Mr_Pornstar
7. hiustan

Legendary Force **

1. Aveleo
2. tanasedaniel
3. Ralph Ericson
4. onnex
5. Kemenyfy
6. berserkir
7. jonnejenkauhu
8. Bradley Wallace
9. Kakaosi
10. AlexJ1890
11. Dark Creed
12. robi2202
13. Mehmood25

What is SEAL Team Six?
SEAL Team Six is an Elite mobile branch of the USAF. Our focus is to take the fight to our enemy at every turn. We do this by aiding our Allies in resistance wars, by securing critical regions that forward the US objective, or by fighting on the domestic front in critical battles.

What do supplies look like for SEAL Team Six?
As a member of ST6 all SEALs receive a daily supply of 20Q7, 5Q6 tanks and 1600 wellness.

Expectations and Requirements
- ST6 recruits only within Divisions 3 and 4
- Must be highly active. (checks orders multiple times and delivers a minimum of two rounds of fights per day)
- Must be on IRC regularly
- Must work in an ST6 commune company
- You must like it wet, kick ass, and most definitely must not suck

Recruitment is currently CLOSED. If you are interested please still Apply but there will be a delay before we can consider your application.