The new EDEN HQ exposed!

Day 828, 10:14 Published in USA Sweden by Maegalodonus

After the revamping of the old EDEN system for good, thanks to the Romanian "fist on the table" attitude, notable actions have been taken to maximize the effectiveness of allied forces, improve the coordination of the EMC, clarify goals and targets, and above all setting up strategies to deliver a proper defense and sustain any offensive.

Thanks to the new system, military commanders no longer feel under the scrutiny of politicians and are therefore free to take rapid and decissive responses to any threat as well as to maintain offensive campaigns going, while focused on the big picture.

Here we can see the créme of EDEN, the most fearsome and brilliant military tacticians of our alliance prior to the glorious strategic withdrawal from Upper Austria:

During those tense moments, these intrepid members of EDEN HQ - except some of them that were requested to play Call of Duty - were discussing tactical movements of the greatest importance, such as whether the quorum was met or not, whether the percentage of agreement should be modified to 81% instead of 66%, or the convenience of a delegate from Poland - which happens to be the most powerful EDEN country - joining EDEN HQ.

Other important issues were discussed, among others, the amount of DIN-A4 office papers that should be available at any given moment.

As we all know, Upper Austria was finally evacuated in a heat-of-the-moment brilliant strategic move coordinated by EDEN HQ.

Some say that Hungarians and Serbians are laughing out loud today. Some say that Hungary and Serbia have finally secured the High Iron regions of Northern China, and for a very long time in the worst case scenario for them at least. Well, let them laugh, for they're clueless.

They do not fathom the superior genius of our master tacticians in the current EDEN HQ, definitely the best ones in all EDEN, working within the best possible operational framework; This was just a diversion. Soon a new campaign will be launched against our enemies, and will be met with success. Our brilliant EDEN HQ leaders, supported by the operational capabilities that the new system offers, will enhance new methods and tactics that will allow our joint forces to sustain and coordinate successful offensives around the world as well as to organize staunch and effective defenses.

Make no mistake, have faith, recent events only prove that we are on the right track for common glory and final allied victory.

