The Killing Game, British Bulldogs

Day 1,722, 11:01 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Grogu.

Each week awards will be on offer for most kills in each division

To get the award you must work out your own kills, it takes 1 min

to work out yr kills go to this site and type your game name in the top right

Right once you have found your now here come's the simple maths

strength + hit q0 + hit q7 % influence will give total kills

if you cant do that , you need some extra schooling

Its starting from today i have done 30 members already but thats taken me quite long updating it all to the site , so if you want to take part please work out yr kills , there will be many different awards for kills made , for each day and each week in the form of q7 weapons etc

here is the the chart so far not in any order

There will be great prizes on offer

Hope you enjoy the Killing Game

Don Dapper