The Israeli Democratic Party endorses Aeroner!

Day 955, 14:13 Published in Israel USA by The Libertine

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In the interest of a spirited and energized presidential election campaign, the newly formed Israeli Democratic Party endorses former candidate Aeroner to be President of eIsrael.

We believe that Aeroner has the experience, knowledge, passion, and temperament to do an amazing job. We believe that Aeroner's vision for eIsrael offers a much needed alternative to the approaches of the other candidates. We believe Aeroner is the right Presidential candidate at the right time for eIsrael.

Tonight, Aeroner will publish his Presidential campaign announcement and platform. We encourage all citizens of eIsrael to take some time to carefully read his plan for our future.

Aeroner's ideas are common sense, forward thinking, and will make sure that eIsrael is back on a path to prosperity. The Israeli Democratic Party supports Aeroner for a better eIsrael.

President of the IDP">