The Interview

Day 3,505, 16:24 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

For the past 2 years, I’ve been marching around USA collecting achievements, titles, accolades, power, you name it.

July 2015 - AMP Party President
September - NSC Director
October - Co-NSC Director,
November - Deputy Secretary of Citizen Affairs, Director of Stack the Wall, and Mentor in American University
December - Vice President, Director of Bank Up 2 Strength Up, Question of the Day, Bewbs4Newbs and Stack the Wall
January 2016 - Director of BU2SU, QoTD, QoTD, StW
March - Deputy MoFA
April - Co-NSC Director, Deputy MoFA
May - Co-NSC Director, Director of Resource Wars 2016 (RIP Neodymium)
June - USA CP/D
July - USA CP/D
August - USA VP, eNPR Tech
September - Co-MoD, eNPR Tech
October - Co-MoD, eNPR Tech
November - Co-NSC Director
February to Present Day - USA MoFA

I’ve also been the Dictator of Pakistan, I became a moderator for eRepublik, and I’m also the “official” Minister of Discord Affairs for eRepublik.


However, even after all of this, there was one thing I wanted above all.

No, not the Community Manager job, that ship has sailed (😭)

Ever since Resource Wars 2016, I’ve been chasing an interview on Clopoyaur’s stream.

I’ve been told one would come.
It’s been scheduled, and postponed.
It’s been scheduled, and canceled.
For months, I’ve been blue balled by this Romanian man.

No more.

This Monday, at 12:00 eRep Time, I’ll finally get interviewed.

It probably won’t live up to the amount of delays that there’s been, but it’s about damn time.

I’ll also be the first interviewee to be using co-streams on Mixer, which is pretty neat.

So clear your schedules, mark your calendars, and be sure to be there to see how many times I’ll have to say no comment to questions about moderating and Pacifica 😃
