The Future Of The Senate

Day 1,224, 10:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear Citizens of The Netherlands,

Welcome to the newest newspaper of The eNL, Rewind! A newspaper which will return Dutch media to it's former glory, and even exceed it!

Today, I want to inform you about a debate going on for some time on our national forums. The people of The Netherlands have the right to know what their congressmen are talking about, so it only seemed logical to post an article about the current state of affairs, regarding this debate.

First of all, let me introduce you to the subject of the debate; The Senate. The Senate is the official administrative body of The eNL. It rights are as following; 1) administrating our IRC channels 2) administrating our national forums 3) to propose emergency debates and votes 4) advising the goverment and keeping all goverment passwords.

Chapter 7 - Senate

article 21 - Definition of the senate
A. The Senate is the official administrative organ of the eNetherlands
B. The senate has 3 or 5 members
C. The senate´s official spokesperson is the ´head of the senate´

article 22 - appointment
A. anyone who at least has a ´officer in the order of de Nederlandse Leeuw medal´ or higher can apply for senator by sending a request to be admitted to the Head of the Senate
B. Current senators vote on the proposed admissions internally
C. senators also choose who represents them as ´Head of Senate´ for the next 3 months,
this appointment must be acknowledged by the congress with a majority in a official congress-vote
D. in the case of (suspected) misconduct the congress can remove any senator (including head of senate) from their position by holding a vote of no confidence in the congress, this vote will be considered as an emergency vote instantly.

article 23 - duration
A. Senator appointment is for a minimum of 3 months
B. Head of Senate is for a minimum of 3 months

article 24 - rights
A. to help moderate the forum
B. to help moderate the official IRC channels
C. to propose emergency-procedure debates and votes in congress
D. Head of the Senate is also a maintainer of the government password list, as is the Country President.

Above is showed the paragraph in our constitution regarding The Senate. A couple of points I certainly don't agree with:
*It's lack of transparency, most of you don't even know that a Senate exist, and we as congressman don't know what they are doing, if they are doing something it all.
*It's lack of control, as they can only remove theirselves from The Senate, no one else. Who would remove himself, I wouldn't.
*It's powerhungry tasks, which are performed by other people as well. Why do the Senate need so much power, having acces to so many valueable information and rights? eNL existed most of it's time without a Senate, it shows a Senate is not needed at all to perform this tasks. As this is the main task of The Senate, the only reasonable thing to do is to abolish this political body.

Coupled with it's awfully inactivity (the majority of Senate hasn't contributed to our country for weeks) and it's abuse of powers (A senator once edited a post by a congressmember into something, putting this same congressmember to shame), I can't find any reasons why anybody would want to continue support this system. That's why I'm probably going to announce a vote in congress regarding a referendum. I'll give YOU the right to decide who's going to govern your country, as they shouldn't govern without the support of their own people. However, there is a chance there won't be a referendum at all, as congress can refuse me to start one. It's time to follow suit for the congressmembers; Will they allow me to start a referendum, a full democratic right, or will they refuse me to do it, ignoring our democratic values and siding with The Senate? I'll keep you updated.

