The Funniest Comment Wins!

Day 1,409, 11:45 Published in Slovakia USA by Ghostbiker
Hey everybody!

November is coming and I'm getting a few bored in eRepublik.
Therefore I decided to make this competition, where you can win some cool prizes...

All you need to do is to put a funny comment(s) below!

It can be a joke, picture, quotation, anything...
Every comment which I consider to be funny enough will be awarded by 1 or 2 Q5 tanks (girls will get 2 tanks automatically ♥ of course)! What is more, the three funniest comments authors will receive Gold from me:
1st place – 3 Gold
2nd place – 2 Gold
3rd place – 1 Gold


The competition will be available until Day 1,411, 03:00 eRepublik time (Saturday, 12:00 CET)!
// the winners will be posted in the article after the competition finishes //

If you want your friends to participate, shout this article! 😁

Don't forget that your comment(s) cannot break the eRepublik laws!

1st place – 3 Gold goes to Robert Garros
Robert Garros Day 1,409, 12:01

2nd place – 2 Gold goes to AL Hsu
AL Hsu Day 1,411, 00:48

3rd place – 1 Gold goes to Caroline au Marymont
Caroline au Marymont Day 1,409, 12:05

4th place – 3 more tanks go to the following authors for their effort, because i liked their comments: Dirty16, Varlosh, Kaileene, Arcade Gannon, Armanych, Catapult, Jakub Bucek, wszystkiebylyzajete, Hochelus, totalDEVASTATOR, Gregus Hedvik, Lazy Greg, voice, tuva (42 tanks in total)

Moreover, there were about 60 Q5 tanks donated for comments.
Congratulations to the winners & thank you all for participating! 😉
66 comments that count in total
Note: Next time be more creative! 😉

Make love not war!