The First Article: Hello New World, I'm Lord Auric

Day 1,889, 10:46 Published in United Kingdom Albania by Lord Auric

Bunica bate doba (Grandmamma beats the drum)
Bunica bate tare (Grandmamma beats it hard)
Bunica bate doba cu machuca 'n casa mare (Grandmamma beats the drum with the mallet in the big house)
Zdob si Zdub, Boonika Bate Doba

Hello there, citizens of the New World! I am Lord Auric, recently-returned eRep player turned medal (trophy?) pursuer. I still haven't got one, even though I should. Anyway, this is my first article of my paper, The Casa Mare. That's Romanian for "big house". Why did I choose that name? Well, it's because I consider everyone in my MU, The Legion, my "family". Since everyone is always busy fighting wars, they are also considered my "comrades". I've always been a UK citizen (even in real life!) and I want it to stay that way (although, if the opportunity does come up, I will gladly fight for anyone else I like. But only after my DO's are done!) because, you know, I'm sort-of patriotic. Not extremely patriotic as in "[Country] sucks!" or something like that.

I'm not looking to be the next Romper (although that would be nice!) but rather someone who can carry out orders without question and can fight well. That's why all my (hard-earned? I don't think so) money goes to buying plenty of Q7s.

The bird you see in my avatar is in fact the bird of Zdob si Zdub's Ethnomecanica album. Why? Because... well, I don't know to be honest. And you may also be asking "Who is Lord Auric?" Well, ask no more, because I'm a big fan of James Bond (especially Moonraker, but meh) and LordAuric was one of my IRC nicks for a while (though not on Rizon) but I never really use it any more.

I look forward to providing you with the latest goings-on in the New World... if I actually stay on the game this time.

- Lord Auric