The event unveiled - clarification

Day 3,614, 13:33 Published in Singapore Singapore by Morphine

Battle 1 starts before 3,615 00:00 so standard rules and strength applies.
Battle 2 is the first one to start after 3,615 00:00 and no epic threshold is available for it.When it ends at 1h40 it will set the epic threshold of 1,000.
Battle 3 reaches the Epic threshold at 1h40 and becomes epic once battle 2 is finished. Battle 3 sets a new epic threshold of 1,200 when it ends.
Battle 4 reaches the Epic threshold at 2h20 and becomes epic. It sets a new epic threshold of 1,500 when it ends.
Battle 5 never makes the epic threshold and never becomes epic, ending at 1,200 damage.
Battle 6 and Battle 7 reach the 1,500 epic threshold at 3:20 and 3:40 respectively both becoming epics. Battle 6 sets a new threshold of 2,000 at 4:00. The new threshold will not affect the status of Battle 7 which remains epic until it ends.
The new threshold will only be considered for future battles or battles in progress that did not achieve epic status.

Cristal clear!
ps: Bring back eRepublik Insider and explain things in a way people understand.