The Daily MS Paint: Interview with the President: Colin Lantrip

Day 1,065, 17:55 Published in USA Spain by Siddy Tramero

Welcome to the Daily MS Paint! The National and International Newspaper where news are made... In MS PAINT.

This Edition is very special, as we have among us, THE PRESIDENT. Colin Lantrip.

We have almost raped and dragged him here to make him some questions about him and the eUS.

And here is the interview!!!

Siddy: how have been those days in office? Is being POTUS different to what you expected it to be?

Colin Lantrip: It's busy, busy all the time. You log on in-game and your inbox is full, you log onto IRC and the PM's light you up. It almost never stops. That said.. It's the most fun I've ever had in this game. I have a great team that I work with and it's exciting to see actual results.

Siddy: "Country Presidents never sleep" that's what I heard from a bunch of them. Do you confirm or deny this theory?

Colin Lantrip: I sleep.. it's usually at work though xD. Seriouisly, I get some sleep. Most days about4-5 hrs I think, snuck in more than 7 a few days ago, it was real treat. Between RL work and checking in here as often as I can, there's just not enough time in the day. You should expect to set an alarm and have to get up and push buttons, phone calls and text at pretty much anytime, it is a full time job unto itself. Casual players should not apply. 😉

Siddy: Speaking about pushing buttons, you did push the button against both a traidor (India) and one of our former invaders (Indonesia). How did that feel?

Colin Lantrip: I was so excited... finally getting to SEE the button! 🙂 I did, I've pushed all the buttons so far. It's not all you want it to be. At that level the game is even more buggy and inconsistant than you normally expect. With all the new changes and then changes to those changes and then changing it back..... it's frustrating and you always feel a little screwed tbh. At this point it's learn as you go and hope the same set of rules applies the next time.
On India and Indonesia... I was part of a few of the negotiations for KT, they were unreasonable and greedy, but I don't have the hatred that some do for them. Small countries sometimes have to do things just to survive. Indonesia, I'm pumped. This should be a great time and the fact that we'll be the first jacks it up a notch for me. I do wish we could still troll each other in the media though, that's all part of the fun.


Siddy: A research has shown that Indonesia has one of the biggest monkey colonies in the world. Is that the REAL reason for invading it?

Colin Lantrip: FREE MY PEOPLE.. ofc. They do PM me a little in-game, one guy said he was from a christian tribe somewhere there and among other things they ate monkeys. lol, told him we'd be there soon and I'd bring the monkey.

Siddy: Slovenia has been erased today, and Turkey and Russia might follow suit tomorrow. It's just a phase of the game or it is something greater?

Colin Lantrip: As always.. that all depends on the admins. As they cut down on cheating, gold buying western countries (US/EDEN) got stronger and poorer RL countries can't compete. In a situation where the was no intervention by the admins, SE Asia combined with ongoing efforts in Europe will be the death blow to PHX. As always though, alliances will fall apart and re-form in a different way. I couldn't draw you a map of what it will look like, but the world as we know will likely be a little different in a few months.

Siddy: after some rough times, it seems like US/EDEN cooperation was total with Krems' govt, with great results, like the invasion of Russia. Do you place cooperation and communication with EDEN as one of your priorities?

Colin Lantrip: I do.. With the battles set up like they are now, we cover each others backs. We win several of the mini battles during our primetime and they win the rest during theirs. PHX has no comparable firepower on our timezone. That actually is part of the answer to the previous question too. EDEN countries provide almost round the clock coverage. There's a coordination room where we all linger and "support" each other. It just goes to show what cooperation and teamwork can do.

Siddy: Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, UK, Hungary. All those countries invaded America in the Third World War, and had their territories invaded after it. The only one who has been unscathed is Columbia, a third tier country not even part of PHX. Do you consider the US' invasion avenged?

Colin Lantrip: It's a game, I don't even think about it that way. I chose Indonesia because it hadn't been done and I thought it would be a lot of fun.

USAball is strong as ever

Siddy: So, regarding Operation Monkey business. After some days, you regard it a success?

Colin Lantrip: Smash Hit! More than I ever thought it'd be. I can't thank all the people running it enough. They are covered up all the time and just keep plugging away. the actual goal there was retention and getting people onto the new battlefield, it'll take some time to see if it worked.

Siddy: Did you receive any "CAN I HAS WIPONZ" message?

Colin Lantrip: In my personal inbox? Just one I think, I sent him the link to the form. Wouldn't want to get that started. 😛

Siddy: Congress term is about to expire. How do you regard this congress? Have you any words of advice for anyone running as congressman about what are they going to find in congress?

Colin Lantrip: Congress.. I haven't tracked the forums like I should tbh. SGGHays works as my congressional liason and he's been great at giving me daily highlights. About the only thing I didn't like was the increase in the weapons vat without a reduction in the income tax. It was probably my fault for not making it over there for the tax discussions at the time really. Other than that, I've had some unusual request and ideas this term and they have cooperated eagerly.
I'll offer no advice on runing, being in it's all PM's to win.. if you want it you can win.

Siddy: One of the main actors in every congress election for the last months has been Ajay Bruno, also known as Pizzathehut. Recently he left to Montenegro. Is your govt contemplating giving compensations to Montenegro for that?

Colin Lantrip: lol.. if they could some how hold him, sure. What would it cost?

Siddy: I don't think there's enough money in the USA

Colin Lantrip: prob not. I'd give them a big chunk though

The new Montenegrin Flag, now that Ajay left there

Siddy: And finally, the great question to ask to every popular first-term POTUS:
Reelection: Will you dare?

Colin Lantrip: No. It's tempting and if I had I had the RL time I would for sure, but it would be difficult to keep this schedule for another month. Who comes after me though does concern me, like I said above.. it's a full time job, casual players should not apply. If there's not an acceptable replacement, I may reconsider. I have a great team of people helping and we could do it if we had to. I do not plan to though.

We will only see the monkey as POTUS for one month

So this is the interview to, admittedly, a very competent president who managed to keep the pace with St Krems, one of the greatest president eUS had, and managed for him to no be missed.

Stay Tuned for more news and MORE MS PAINT!