The Daily Bungle #7: Party Presidency? (Komeko for PP)

Day 3,305, 00:32 Published in USA USA by Yuuka Kazami
The Daily Bungle
Volume 7: Party Presidency
Written December 06, 2016

Komeko for SFP Party President

Well folks we're at it again, another campaign. This time I'm running for SFP PP, and I'd like to say a couple reasons why you should support me, or at least keep looking around for my articles.

First off I want to thank you all in the SFP for giving me a chance to run. Yeah we kinda lost horribly, but considering how many people are obsessed with FG, and the fact that both the Feds and the USWP, the two biggest parties, endorsed FG, we actually had a pretty good run! Either way, I learned a lot from this election cycle, and want to bring it to making the SFP a party not only to be seen, but to be respected.

We're constantly made fun of on the eUSA forums because in general, we're very open to different positions, however contrived the depth of the insult may be, there is a grain of truth to it. Without a strong and realistic position we allow ourselves to be scapegoats. This doesn't mean we're gonna all become cranky and have no fun in this game, but we are certainly going to have a set of policies to base whatever variations our members believe in off of.

Bear Cavalry
I have no true power over BC, even if I win PP, but I'm going to urge whoever becomes elected into the position to officially make BC a completely open MU. Here's my logic: With the added outreach of an open MU's ability to drive in new players, we can non-directly shift them to the SFP, which will have a stronger effect in the long run. Also, we've got a better name than EZC, we have BEAR CAVALRY! We even have a cool logo! If we run the MU in a smart way we'll totally beat them in the numbers game.

Also, I'm going to increase the media by apart from encouraging the continuement of the weekely radio, hosted by Ya Boi, I'm going to create an SFP member run stream. The stream will not only include eRep, but at least a bit of some other game. By having this, we might be able to bring new players into the game to our party, seeing as most players generally will follow a streamer to his/her games. I was talking with Jimmy about an SFP movie night. All of these actions will keep members actively engaged, and really make those party members into voters.

Our voter turn out last Congress election and even last Party Election was abysmal. We must remedy this by utilizing mailing and by active reminders through a campaign not only on the SFP board, but on the eRep articles. We will also gain more support by flooding the top 5 with SFP articles and upstaging our friends in the Federalist media division.

I really don't want to talk about the specifics of the party platform I want to pursue just yet, because I want to hear from you. So go and tell me in this post what you'd like our Congress members to push? Let's get an active debate going on y'all!

Our Cabinet is in progress, you'll hear more about it when it's complete, along with your interviews and the like (I'm a one man media army) so stay tuned.
Vice-President: Salty
Secretary-General: Ilene Dover
Councilor: ???
Spokesperson: Jimmy Cincinnati
One more thing...
This slogan isn't over till we've done it and created that tomorrow, so damn it I'm gonna keep saying it!

Check these links out!