The 100 Days War, A Retrospective

Day 734, 12:48 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon
For those seeking my congressional presentation scroll down to the line

133 days ago the world was launched into the largest war ever seen. While the starting date of the war is undisputed its ending is. The war ended a bit like the real life Korean war, there was no official peace treaty and both sides still want to kill each other. The absence of a formal peace treaty between all the parties involved has led some say to that the war was over when the U.S. managed to reconquer all their regions while other say the war is still ongoing because battles are still being fought. Despite the lack of an official ending, most will agree that the most violent part of the war has passed. Today I will take a look back at the events of the war as well as the impact it had on American society rather then just recap every battle.

The whole thing began back after the July presidential elections. PEACE hadn't invaded yet but they started to make threats that had everyone in the U.S. worked up. It was during this time we saw the income tax hike to 30% in an attempt to build up the treasury and all the other general panic. The main reason for this panic though was that we gave PEACE way too many options to attack. In a head to head battle the U.S. could easily beat countries like France, Portugal, and Russia, however due to the fact that we left wars open where our enemies had MPPs that they could use we left ourselves vulnerable. On top of the threats from the old wars Indonesia and Hungary were also threatening to move through the U.K. and Japan to attack the U.S. and Canada. With regions at risk all along the east and west coast it made it very difficult to coordinate a defensive strategy.

Once France attacked Nova Scotia and Russia attacked Alaska F/E was forced to fight in a two front war which was a huge advantage for PEACE who had superior tanks at the time and could do a great deal of last minute damage. The U.S. and Canada started to lose ground but managed to stay in it until they managed to retreat and attack the countries that were attacking the other in order to block them and go back on the offensive. At first it looked like this would work but then Indonesia and Portugal entered the picture and the U.S. was split even thinner.

The weeks that followed were definitely the most interesting weeks in America's history. Nothing quite like this had ever happened before and most people began to realize we can't just sit at home anymore and just pretend that nobody will attack us because we are so great. This served as a wake up call to most Americans and it even got people who didn't normally pay too much attention to game to all of a sudden become more active and moved to Florida and New Jersey in order to help out their country.

Paradoxically morale was at an all time low after about three weeks when PEACE had just about taken everything west of the Mississippi. During this time period Eugene Harlot, the long time chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, resigned from his position after taking blame for the failed defensive efforts. Then came the August presidential elections, with many people becoming demoralized the U.S. the race came down to the incumbent Harrison Richardson and Emerick. There wasn't much campaigning from the HR camp as Harrison himself has said that he was going to let his track record speak for itself. This didn't really pay off well as Emerick won by a large margin, most likely due to the fact that people were discontent with the way the war was being handled.

Emerick's election seemed to brighten spirits a bit however the U.S. was still having trouble winning battles and continued to be pushed eastward. By day 42 the U.S. was on the verge of being wiped out, thousands of Americans flocked to Florida to await what was supposed to be the final battle. Instead though America was able to launch a counter offensive into the Indonesian held territories and began to pick up regions. By day 45 America had liberated Texas and a new wave of hope swept the country. People started putting aside their differences and worked to liberate the rest of the country, more and more two clickers became active soldiers and the U.S. just started to take control of things.

Soon Emerick struck a major deal with Portugal. In the agreement America would pay Portugal a small amount of gold in exchange for allowing America to have her southern regions back. This took Portugal out of the war and gave the U.S. a secure base of operations to continue the liberation of the country from. Over the next few days the American's pushed westward through Indonesia's claims almost as easily as PEACE pushed eastward through the country at the start of the war. Then what seemed impossible two weeks earlier became a reality when the U.S. marched all the way from Florida to California to retake the region that had become Indonesia's foothold in North America. The U.S. then took out Indonesia in Hawaii, thus pushing them out of the North American theater.

To make up for Indonesia being pushed out of the war, PEACE then plotted to have Colombia region swap with Mexico so that they could attack the U.S.. The Colombian attacks never posed much a threat however they ended up picking up a few regions since the U.S. would have to retreat the regions they were being attacked in if they wanted to go on the offensive. Despite the Colombians getting involved the general mood in the country was good and Russia seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Then out of nowhere Emerick was forced to resign, his reasoning for resigning was that he had some legal issues he needed to attend to in real life and Gaius Julius took over as president. The next few days were a bit chaotic but eventually Gaius was able to pick up where Emerick left off and after a week of back and forth fighting Russia was finally pushed out of North America on day 74.

The way things were going it seemed the U.S. would almost be completely liberated, with Indonesia, Portugal, and Russia all getting the boot the U.S. was on the verge of victory. Rather then go right for the jugular and take PEACE completely out of American regions, the U.S. spent most of their efforts fighting PEACE in allied countries such as Canada and helping out in the big war in Scandinavia between Russia and the Eden countries of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Soon after the Russian defeat in Scandinavia all attention turned to Hungary's claims in Canada and the U.S. where the U.S. and Canada were both gearing up to take there last few regions back.

Then on day 101 America made a huge win by taking Manitoba from Hungary in one of the bloodiest wars ever in the game. The battles between Hungary and the U.S. were very close since there were no active MPPs on either side and both sides were evenly matched. The U.S. then had another close skirmish with Hungary in Nunavut in a battle that ended foreign occupation of Canada. Then the war came full circle with the U.S. launching one last offensive into Alaska after taking Washington back. The U.S. won the battle quite easily and achieved total liberation leading many to believe the war was over. Russia though, wasn't done and attacked a couple of days later, Gaius retreated the region but retook it a couple of days later and after that there was never any real fighting in North America.

During the war I released daily articles to keep up with the events that you can go back and read if you have no life what so ever and want to learn more about the battles. I really wanted to write a summary including all the global events to such as the fall of Spain however there is just to much stuff to include so I had to settle for this. I had a great time writing daily updates and although it was stressful at times to meet the daily time limit it feels like a great accomplishment to be done. Now that my summary is released I finally feel like I can put the war behind me and move on with other parts of erepublik. I have also awoken from my deep slumber. I figured being away from erepublik for one week was long enough and its time to get back into the swing of things.

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Hello Citizens of North Carolina

You've probably been bombarded with congressional election information the past few days so I will try and keep this short and sweet for you. I am running for congress in the state of North Carolina under the CVP ticket. My qualifications include serving several terms in congress already and heading the foreign relations advisory committee, I have also worked as a party president for 9 complete months. I have long been an active member of this country and would continue to be an active representative of the state of North Carolina should I be elected by the people.

As for my viewpoints I believe we should have a slightly adjusted tax module with the income tax being a bit lower (15 or so 😵 to compensate for the loss of revenue I would support raising the import tax that way not only do we increase income from tariffs but we make it so it's no longer cheaper for companies in Spain to sell on our markets then it is for American companies. I support a strong military (like everyone else who wants to get elected) and support the continuation of the training wars in order to offer a steady supply of battles to the American public and to create demand for the weapons market.

If you have any more question I am always available through PM so just drop me a line and I will get back to you. Thank you for your time and I hope you choose Desertfalcon for North Carolina.