Tef1 - The Patriot: Past achievement and future goals. Enough is Enough

Day 4,524, 16:03 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

This has gone way too far. It must be stopped and stopped now without any further delay. We are very divided. Today, the legendary Tef1 appears for everyone to end this disaster. Together we can and will defeat anything and anyone in our way for progress. But, we must be united first.

We are effectively invaded. The last thing we need is to attack a patriot who has always been pro eSwiss. Here are just few instances when the legendary patriot put his eNation above everything including himself.

The most recent case before the current event was regarding a character by the name of "King Phillip." He ran for CP and Tef1 thankfully successfully told his fellow citizens the danger that a CP tenure by him would cause. Feel free to read more about his heroic article here. https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/caution-is-needed-2710702/1/20

This is not it though. Another example is when a member of his own party tried to help the Tef1 created party to have as many foreign members as possible for election purpose. Patriot Tef1 would rather lose an election than win by cheating unlike others and as such he refused. He did more than refuse. He exposed his own party members to the establishment of the time and disaster averted. Should you want to read more, here is the link for it https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/evidence-of-the-on-going-pto-2703330/1/20.

There is yet another example though. This one occurred during an election season. One of the candidate accused (as we later know wrongly) that Tef1 is colluding with a foreign power to hurt the incumbent's reelection. Understandably, Tef1 became public enemy #1. The sad thing was people were too quick to judge him. That said, the Honorable Uncle Rican offered a formal apology to the legendary Tef1 for doubting him. Here is more about that story https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/we-are-united-2702669/1/20

If this still has not convinced you of Tef1's patriotism then nothing will. And you are likely to continue the baseless accusations maybe even more so than ever before. There is nothing Tef1 can do. It takes two to tango. There is an extended hand for anyone who is willing to help defeat the opposition invaders at hand. Peace negotiation with the opposition is also on the table. But, like I said, it takes two tango. Will the opposition choose peace over division? It is up to them. We shall see.