Tearful goodbye to eCanada

Day 4,497, 14:52 Published in Canada Switzerland by tef1

I know we just met. But, I miss my home and friends in eSwiss. I will still be around for a few days. But, I had to go. It has been an honor to be a eCanadian for this long. Your hospitality is appreciated. I hope you will keep up with my silly posts in the TNS. Please subscribe now, before it is too late. You will regret it. Bye yall. I mean Chao. lol. Adios.
I genuinely love and respect each and everyone here. Thank you for the warm welcome. It is not always a guarantee. But you all make me proud to be a eCitizen of the new world. It is literally much better than the real world. I will never ever forget you all. I hope I am always welcome to visit during my semi annual vacations I take time to time. Everything has to end, sadly this is the end for us. Please subscribe for the fun.

Until we meet again,
Dictator of eUSA
101st CP of eSwiss
Future dictator of eCanada