Tank Pre-sale - Limited Availibility

Day 961, 19:39 Published in Israel USA by The Libertine

Shalom and Welcome!
Thanks for reading Back in Blue! Here are some
helpful links and information before we get starte😛
Official eIsrael Forum
List of Availible Mentors (bottom of article)

Hey everyone. To keep spirits up during this week of no war, I'll be offering tanks at a discounted price to help us all prepare for the upcoming mayhem! 15 will be available. First come, first serve.

1 for 20NIS
2 for 35NIS (This is half off of the current market price)

If you are interested, send payment to my org, and you'll receive your shiny new Merkava Mark IV tank within 24 hours.

SeeRoy Inc: http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/2149518

