Swedish response to the Overlords demands

Day 584, 12:34 Published in Hungary Sweden by Misho
... regarding the creation of a Swedish protectorate under Peace GC Control.

Lets first take a look at the demands:

# 100 Gold every month to be transfered to eMagyar Nemzeti Bank.

# Not fight against Peace GC countries

# Not discuss, create or participate in the creation or formation of any kind of organization aiming to counterbalance Peace GC

# All Regions with High Raw Materials are to be handled over swift and according to given instructions

Okay, we can sign that. Perhaps some comments / questions.

- 100 Golds / month. That is no problem, eSweden is like Switzerland but without Michel Schumacher and with knock out sexy ladies. Like for example BetaMjau here seen naked while she is miaowing orders on the battlefield.

A young BetaMjau, a Swede with claws.

- Not fight against Peace GC countries. That is also okay, it might be difficult to get everyone to obey but if we tell them that we must do this to keep our Freedom and sovereignty, then they will for sure follow orders. At least most of them. The majority have began to understand how pointless it is to fight you guys anyway since you so easy can make a Take Over and make all our fightings and golds spent in vain.

- Not discuss, create or participate in the creation or formation of any kind of organization aiming to counterbalance Peace GC.
Well, eSweden was by many of our allies described as 'the Rock of Atlantis' but we have also been blamed for breaking said alliance. So I guess this shouldn't be a problem either.
We can still take part in training wars, right?

Besides look what happen with our old allies;
Romania has gone down the draina,
no way for Norway,
Croatia has just been take'ia,
Canada can't
UK don't want
USA goes her own way
and Greece will once again unwillingly be stuffed in to Turkey

Poland, Finland and Israel can perhaps sing a happy song today but soon they'll have Peace at home and Overlords also. Like Croatia, Greece, Germany and Denmark.

At least we tried to do something good.

Hungary the hungry ones now occupying or politically controlling is it five or six nations?
Indonesia the Asian-African dominator with Australia, South Africa, India, China, Russia with mighty regions such as West Siberian Region and of course old Pakistan.
Iran always forgotten Peace member who controls 9 foreign regions and 12 High Raw material region.
Italy is also strong with eight foreign regions under their control.

Italy nowadays controls more foreign regions than all previous Atlantis countries do together.

Peace at Home!

Peace Abroad!

..and the last demand from the Overlords to eSweden.

- All Regions with High Raw Materials are to be handled over swift and according to given instructions
We don't have any such regions so this one is already fulfilled. One question though, if we do get one, yes you might know that the the Raw Material Distribution is currently being overlooked so there are chances things will change. If so, do you want us to pay for the necessary wars to switch and handle over that or those regions to you or will you help us to do that?

Hope you will answer these questions and that all papers are signed _before_ next General Elections. For our own protection.
