Survey Results (Part 1)

Day 1,835, 13:11 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Marcotje

Hello eMalaysia!

Thanks for your participation in the survey. It looks fair to me that everyone can see the results. I asked you to fill in your name, this was just to avoid spam/trolls and so these will not be revealed in this article. I would like to thank every participant.

What's your maximum energy?
- 0-480 (Level 1-20) 3%
- 500 (Level 21+) 50%
- 550 28%
- 600 0%
- 650 16%
- Other 3%

You can see the most people, 'only' have 500 health. In order to acquire more energy, buy one of the energy buildings here if you have enough gold and are interested in it. This will make you stronger. Unfortunately it's expensive so only buy it if you don't mind investing a lot of gold in your military career.

Did you make your own wiki page on the eRepublik wiki?
- Yes 3%
- No 44%
- No because I don't know how to do it 34%
- I didn't know there was a wiki 0%
- I didn't know you could edit/make a wiki page 0%
- I didn't know you could edit/make a wiki page but I want to learn how to 3%
- Other 16%

A lot of people said no but 34% said they don't know how to do it. So I'm going to try and write an article about wiki editing soon so more people can help us editing Malaysian pages and make their own page or maybe even translating the pages so more Malaysians will understand this game more easily. I'm happy to see everyone knows there is a wiki.

Do you have a rocket factory?
- Yes, 50.000 damage 31%
- Yes, 250.000 damage 22%
- Yes, 500.000 damage 13%
- Yes, 1.000.000 damage 0%
- Yes, 2.500.000 damage 3%
- No 31%

It's a shame 31% of the participants don't have a rocket factory. It's worth the investment since you can win BH medals with it. Unfortunately eMalaysia doesn't have a lot of people, that's why considering buying a rocket factory is important. We can do a lot of damage with it without spending energy. Of course only buy one, if you can afford it.

These were the first 3 questions, soon I will make another article with the other questions. Unfortunately the graphs don't work, I will try to get it work the next part. Subscribe to make sure you will see the next part 😉
