Story : My best eFriend !

Day 510, 07:07 Published in Romania Romania by XtaSia
Once upon a time... in a cold and rainy day of January when trivia flash was being tested ... I was going sadly with little and hurried steps to the channel #us. I needed a moment of thinking, chilling, and that was the perfect enviroment.
I had visited the channel a couple of times untill then, so there were a lot of familiar faces around but still some of them were unknown to me .
The reason of my presence there at that late hour was simple, I wanted to postpone as long as I could the day that would soon come, bringing with it the difficult decision I had to take, regarding my eLife on eRepublik, I was lately having some thoughts of taking a break.

Something seemed to be weird that night on #US „streets” like it was trying to warn me about something, I looked around the channel and I noticed that someone, unknown by me was monopolizing the discussion, his voice ...strong but same time mild made me wonder whose voice would that be?! And suddenly a strange, not very tall young man came in the light ... it was the first time I saw him there and probably not the last one too...
Since trivia was replaced by flash trivia most of the discussion from US channel were about new suggestion to the war module, about admins that are not listening to our demands and ofc rumours about the NEW DECODER, that everyone wanted to get ASAP 😃.
Seeing how everyone had their ears opened to all the fake rumours about new decodors, I started to make some jokeS too..saying I have IT ! 😃 But... suddenly the wierd..unknown boy looked at meh and told me : „Giev meh the sweet pink decoder !”.. .... I smileD : ) and that moment I knew I had to know him better, maybe he fellt the same thing...

What happened next ? You wouldn`t even imagine... I started talking to him in private! After every word, after every sentence we felt like we need to talk more and more and more, we were just typing and smiling, both of us were ignoring completely what was happening on US channel... hours were passing by like seconds... until it was too late for both of us to stay awake. We said good night fast and we left US streets.... I went to sleep without trying to analyze what it just happened and I fell asleep thinking and fearing he maybe won`t be there tomorrow.
But I knew it... he was there ! We started to talk again with same pleasure and enthusiasm like we did it in the night before, and next 2 days were all alike ! The following day something happened in eR, it was a crucial moment for me, I had to decide once for all if I should continue playing eRepublik or it was the time for a long break.
It was hard but I decided I should take a break from eR but not yet from the US channel where I wanted to stay 2-3 more days. I told „him” about my plans , he agreed, he wasn`t going to convince me to stay, he was actually thinking of quitting the game too if admins won`t change the current war module...
Those 2-3 days passed as quickly as the wind, and like the wind changes its direction, same did I with my plans regarding leaving #US.... and later after 2-3 weeks with my „quitting” eRepublik plans...

a beautiful friendship was being built... and I couldn`t stop it : )

We talked for seconds, minutes, hours, weeks , months.... we made our own games, our own teases, our own competitions : ), we shared our moment of happiness like we shared the sad ones too. Even if he`s not from Romania, he understands me better than anyone (even if I make mistakes all the time 😃), and I think he knows me better than most of my eR friends that I`ve had the chance to meet in RL life too. If you are „his” friend too, I bet you have the same opinion about him... because we all know that Erwin Schauman is speCHUL

Because he stopped me from quitting eRepublik, because he made my last 3 months happier, because in his presence I could not be sad even for a second, because he proved he cares for me like a real friend should always care, I want to say : Saku, THANK you for Being You !

And please never forget Xtasia lubs ErwinS !

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear eFriend !