State Dept: Alliance Discussions Underway

Day 551, 19:36 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

Earlier today, as advised by Proggypop (Deputy Secretary of State for Alliance Creation) and Leroy Combs (Secretary of Defense), I entered into a meeting with a plethora of other nations regarding the formation of a new alliance. This meeting went little beyond the planning phase and we haven't begun to really get into in-depth negotiations. However, I do have a few facts to present:

1. The United States and Spain both advocate an alliance based on a "defense first" philosophy. We will work to protect our allies, home and abroad, from outside invasion and slowly work to fight back against other alliances.
2. The alliance will be, at the start, 5-7 member nations. The United States will not accept anything more or less.
3. The alliance must respect the wishes of other members. If Country X wants to attack Country Y, they are allowed to do so, but don't come begging for help when they beat you back.
4. There are a few "essential" member nations involved. The two sure-fire member nations, for the United States, are us and Spain. After that, we value Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and many other nations. We value Spain as an ally not only for their strategic location, strategic resources, and powerful military, but also their like-minded approach to the game.

ATLANTIS failed, seemingly, because of a disconnect between member nations stemming from long droughts of miscommunication. It failed because of member nations having different ideologies and the alliance basically split into many different parts. Pro-Sweden, Pro-Germany, neutral (following the United States' example, as you can see. Many former ATLANTIS nations have now declared themselves neutral) and other splintering denominations. ATLANTIS did not fail because of Sweden versus Germany; it failed because of a longer disconnect between all member nations, USA included.

In the new alliance, we will be looking for close friends, like-minded allies, and strong, stable countries. The countries of the world like South Africa, Israel, and others will still be supported, just not officially allowed in the alliance at the start the beginning. We will encourage the joining of the new alliance based on "protectorate" status, and promote new members when we find that the alliance is stable enough to accept new members.

This is still in a proposal phase and we have just begun the long and arduous process of negotiations with so many other nations. However, it is the continued goal of this administration to provide the public with real-time information on the events of the nation. I hope to continue to bring you all information regarding the development of this alliance.

Also, I present what I now call "Tradition Picture(s)":

Secretary of State