Something Awful Fishy

Day 269, 07:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

As a business owner I wont complain, but let me give you some background.

I founded the Colorado Savings and Loan back in February. When I stepped down from Presidency Kaleb and I had been talking about an Atlantic Expansion for Aurum, which I agreed to do. I have a Q4 food company with quite a few export licenses.

The Netherlands is one of the places I sell Q4 food to, and I am the only provider of such services. Up until two days ago, their markets were stocked full of food in all quantities with mine there. I sold an average of 50 units of food every week to week and a half.

Now, outside of the food I am selling, their market is empty. Let me repeat, their market is empty at all quantities. They havent seen a humungous population increase, but a decent one has occured over the last ten or so days.

We'll see what's going on, but being next door, and being as it relates to our own Belgian population, something's fishy, and we ought to find out. It'd be tough to deal with both Ireland and the Netherlands, both of which are right next door taken over at the same time.
