So I returned and found the cities module

Day 3,789, 15:46 Published in USA USA by Bill Bergey

I've been playing since 2013. This game has sparked my interest so many times that I'll come back and then get burned out eventually or get too busy with irl stuff that I can't do erepublik. So for the 4th (or was it the 5th?) time, I'm back. And I'm already super sad.

So I finally login for the first time in over a year. One of the first things I see is something to choose where I live. I choose Arizona because I love Arizona. So I'm exploring and seeing what's new. I join my old party, meet new faces, and see some old ones as well. In my exploring I see that with my city is a mayor and city council. My first thought is, "This seems super awesome and I definitely want to become a mayor." The cities module caught my attention and kept me playing for a few days. (I'm now playing because of the war which reminds me of the old days when we got attacked by like 7 nations and so it's nostalgic.) Anyways, I want to become a mayor so I set out on looking around for how to. The wiki offered no help. Forgetting about the forums I decided to look at the Latest Updates and try to find it. I found the cities update. Day 3486. It's day 3789. So at first I look at the other updates and see that there's not really much being done at all except events so I assume that something is taking long with the module but then I see that they're updating a different module now. Whelp, awesome idea about to never be implemented. It's a shame and it's awful that there's no update to the community about it.

tl;dr Cities update looked awesome and there's been nothing for almost a year.

I'll probably take another break in a few months but I'd return "in the coming weeks"