Short Message To The People

Day 1,880, 13:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

Now, here are some common arguments against socialism. I do enjoy real debates about capitalism vs. socialism however the vast majority of people who blindly support capitalism often make poor, ignorant, misguided, and/or unintelligible arguments.

You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealth of prosperity.

First of all, this question itself doesn't really make sense. The 'wealth of prosperity', I assume they mean the rich? Complete income equality is not the goal of socialism. That is communism, which is different from socialism. Now, relatively decreasing the greatly ever-growing distorted gap between the rich and the poor (not to complete equality) is a goal of socialism.

What one person receives without working for, another person must work without receiving.

Only when viewed linearly that argument seems valid. The truth is you did not build that school/university you attended so why should you be able to benefit from it? You did not build the roads that allowed you to travel from home to work. You and I worked for it, as members of a collective society, and only as a collective society were such great tasks affordable and constructed.

If you spend an entire day pointing out the things you receive benefits from without directly working for, there are possibly hundreds or thousands. So the argument I am trying to make here is everyone, even the rich, benefit from millions of things they did not work for. That you did not work for; That someone else did work for. The very core of this argument is not a strong one and in fact, could easily be flipped on your arguer.

When half the population starts to believe they don't need to work because the other half will work and when that half realizes that what they worked for will be given to the other half, a nation will fall apart.

An incredibly absurd argument, also one that does not consider an easy concept to understand. With socialism, the issue of time poverty would greatly diminish and with the workforce all doing their part society as a whole would greatly see improvements not only in social programs, infrastructure, and relative growth in standards of living but will have more time to grow as individuals in a free society.

Listen, all who disagree with what socialism offers, capitalism's solution to solving the growing homelessness/poverty issue is terrible. In fact, it is almost non-existent. A lot of homeless rely on the kindness of religious charities to feed and shelter them, but even they only can serve a minor percent of the homeless.

If you want the poor/homeless to "stop being lazy and get jobs" (which isn't the case) you need to enable them to get jobs. You can't get a decent job when you smell like garbage and interview in torn shirts and shoes. Derp.

Good day to all! Merry Saturday! 😛

Joke may only be relevant to Americans. The current day American Republican Party can be seen as one of the most idiotic-delusional political parties in history.