Scrabman Slaps ATLANTIS - Poll Numbers Rise, America Supports Move

Day 545, 07:16 Published in USA USA by Nick Everdale

In a stunning and uncharacteristic break from the Administration's normal silence on international issues, President Scrabman penned a heartfelt and personal note to the American people over the recent decline of our European alliance. In what is his harshest criticism of the Romania-led group yet, Scrabman said that America could not "continue to prop up ATLANTIS" as it loses major iron regions.

The message, a runaway bestseller with 131 recommendations at of 10am this morning, marks a strong shift in American policy towards Europe. As the reader may recall, the United States was active in sending Marines to Europe in defense of the Romanians, and initially regarded the German-Swedish war with silent noninterventionism.

Scrabman was aware, he said, that his decision to distance America from NATO would be met with both "resistance and praise," but that his role in defending national security mandated nothing less than a full rethinking of our strategic partnership. The Administration warned that a PEACE monopoly on iron resources would be "the endgame" for all non-PEACE parties.

Early response to the message was favorable, despite Scrabman's fears of widespread resistance. Beyond his cadre of party and Administration loyalists, several Libertarians and an AAP member commented that Scrabman should seek an unprecedented third term. Polling confirms this trend - a Fair Dealer poll conducted last week had Scrabman's popularity at just 50%. As of this morning, President Scrabman's popularity had bounced back to 60%.

On the eve of Congressional elections where, according to that same Fair Dealer poll, USWP had fallen to 28% favorability, the news of Scrabman's strong line on ATLANTIS paid immediate dividends. As of Monday, USWP nearly doubled their popularity to 40%, more than triple the second place Conservatives.

Far from condemnation, Scrabman's calculated gamble appears to have paid off - ATLANTIS is abuzz with news of a possible American walkout, there are rumors of a PEACE nonaggression pact, and the domestic political opposition are scrambling for an issue to fight the increasingly popular USWP.

With poll numbers on the rise and his popularity peaking, it appears Scrabman has again pulled a rabbit from his political hat.