SCAMMER ALERT - eRepublik Player

Day 3,754, 01:59 Published in Portugal Spain by Black Anakin

Hello guys.

First of all I apologize for my English….

I am writing this article because I was the victim of a scamm from a player who said he was trustworthy
(my fault).
Let me explain.
On day 3752 (eRepublik), I put on sale in the Portuguese arms market, 1400 units of weapons q7 for the price 38,29cc each.
On the same day I was contacted by Godfather Corleone who wanted to buy the weapons through direct sale for the price of 37cc.
After some messages exchanged, according to the prints ones that I put down, we agreed the sale of the 1400 arms for the unit price of 37,5 cc.
(1400 x 37.5cc = 52,500 cc)
I sent the weapons as agreed, and until now I did not receive the CC, nor the weapons were returned, although I have already tried to contact the player and see that he is online for several occasions throughout the day, and simply does not respond.
What bothers me, in addition to having lost the guns and cc, is that the player intitled himself with an old and respectable player, which in fact he is not.
That is why I ask you all to collaborate in sharing this article among your friends, allies, party colleagues and military unit, so that this "individual" does not deceive anyone else.
Thank you for your cooperation.

(PS – I will also report this to the game admins).