Romanian ambassador- yes, the same old fart

Day 688, 12:00 Published in Russia Romania by 8-3=1

Dear Russians,

Unluckily (for you) I have been reappointed as the Ambassador of Romania. Unluckily because my ideas did not change (yes I am one of those stupid people who stick to their ideas indefinitely) and let's see where we are or whether there is any progress:

1. Россия и Румыния не имеют общих границ. По этой причине они идеальные союзники.
(I start believing that we will need some common border to make things funnier and become very good allies)

2. Румыния желает импортировать из России железо, нефть и алмазы. Румынские налоги на импорт равны 1%. Венгерские равны 50%, индонезийские 99%. Россия может торговать с Румынией, но это невозможно на данный момент из-за войны.
(Nothing changed, there is no progress. We are still at war, so no trade yet. Look forward to next "negotiation", perhaps we hit it right)

3. Румыния предлагает помочь России получить обратно исконные русские земли, занятые на данный момент Венгрией и Индонезией.
(Well you thought it's better to progress on this issue without our help. Maybe our help would have been cheaper. We look forward to the next performance in WSR, hopefully you will get it better this time. I would like to dedicate this song to the cause: )

4. Румыния может помочь России в подписании мирного договора с США. PEACE бросил Россию в этой войне. Как они могут помочь России при защите её собственных территорий?
(I go back to point 1, maybe we need some common border to make things more interesting).

Hehe. I was just joking. Disregard the above.

My message is only this one: I hope we can make things better between Romania and Russia.

Somehow I started liking Russia more and more, with good and bad. And now I am serious.

All the best and good luck during this month of "War and Peace".


Romanian Ambassador in Russia