RL Pics of Phoenix Quinn, Cstarlight, Thedillpickle and Your Peony Express!

Day 1,687, 07:32 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Hey America,

Today you may choose to read about one of the best guys in the game. He is a friend, he's a bitch, he's a lover, he's an officer and a gentleman.
He looks like Adam Levine.

I of course am talking of Synesi, the man the legend. He had to make a hard choice about himself and the JCS which I urge you to read on over here.

I got fired Saturday morning from my job at Albertsons. That job sucked btw. I guess I might wind up panhandling on the side of the streets on my knees and begging for money but speaking of someone who is always begging on the knees for something I bring a crappy story you can troll of Ronald Gipper Reagan touting the usual crapola in the streets.

Ok enough about articles.
I now present to you the real people behind the avatars.
I honestly wish we could meet up in the RL US one day, and who knows maybe we will. I asked my friends to write something that defines how they play erep on a piece of paper and take a picture as well.
Here is what happened.

Phoenix Quinn
He's a writer that I wish I could be at least half of, he's smarter than most of the population, and his room is about a million times cleaner.
He also resembles Kevin Spacey.

A general, a media mogul, and really a great guy. I have spoken with him over the phone when I did radio and I was always amazed at some of the directions we would go.

He's southern, he's wears purple, and he's also a great guy .
You'll never catch him slacking at his job except when he's supposed to be working and he is taking webcam pictures for Erepublik. I keed, I keed.

Starry you are a very beautiful and amazing person. We have talked several times and I admire your devotion. Also you have a lesbian crush on Bia Pandora so that may help too.
You put up with my stupid jokes and other things I have done. It's great to know you and I know the Marines will need your leadership.

[img][/img] DirtyScarletSilverbeard
DSS is a pretty cool guy, in fact I'd say he's the man. I like him because he is so easygoing and because he's a bro. He's my bro.

So there we have it, some key players in the game. I'm still waiting on Bia Pandora's lingerie pictures.
I'm guessing that train aint rolling in anytime soon huh?