Ringing in the New Year With the Feds

Day 773, 14:02 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

*This is not a military or war related article*
***If you haven’t already please move to Karnataka to help build up the wall there***

As some of you have noticed I am now a member of the Federalist Party. This was a tough decision for me to make since my roots in the CVP ran very deep. I had been contemplating it the past few days and eventually came to the conclusion that if the party name were to be changed I would leave. It’s not just the name though and I will get to that a bit later in the article. First off I would like to debunk some of the rumors Cromstar has started about me changing the name the first time. Cromstar claimed that I changed the name without holding a vote or telling anyone, this is entirely untrue as you can see in this article there clearly was a vote and in the article before that I announced the name change. I did change the name a day before the vote to get people’s attention so they would come out and vote but still there was a vote on the name and had RFC of won I would’ve kept it that way.


The thing that drove me away from the CVP was that the party wasn’t going anywhere and I thought the leadership was addressing the issues the wrong way. At the CVP convention though Cromstar did say he would focus on recruiting and expanding the party so that gave me some hope, but the empty recruiting promises from months past left me skeptical. The name change though, will likely cancel out most of the gains with it’s negative effects. I just don’t see how adding in the names of the two main political parties does less to alienate new members then the name of an ideologically. Yes Liberals would be less likely to join a party named the Conservative party, however they would be just as likely to not join a party who states their ideology as center right. I also find the notion that it would reverse the damage done by Ajay laughable. New members have no idea who Ajay Bruno was and it’s time we stop using him as a scapegoat.

Now what brought me to the Federalists was that it had a large base of active people with varying levels of experience and skills. When I first joined the party I was impressed by the level of organization exhibited within the party and right then it became clear to me how this party was able to rise into the top 5. I have also always had a bit of a connection the Federalist Party as I was around when it was first created. Back in October of 2008 there was a bit of rift in the RFC between TGM (now HR) and Rise. Rise wanted to leave and start his own party called the federalists but TGM who was the RFC president, wanted the name so he changed the name to the federalists before Rise could start his party. I then won the PP from TGM and changed the name back to RFC to let Rise have his name back. I have always seen the feds as a sort of relative to the CVP because of how they were formed and that’s another main reason why I choose the feds.

Anyways I hope this answers any questions anyone has over the issue. I would also like to say that I will not be running for congress on the fed banner anytime soon as I am now in the marines. I will do my best to help out my new party though and I would like to thank all of my friends and supporters back in the Drep, this really wasn’t an easy decision for me.