Returning Citizen's Thoughts

Day 2,918, 17:26 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by David Allenkey

It's been forever since I have been involved in eRep and eIreland. I left shortly after eIreland was robbed a few years back. I am a low rank sheep who was formerly involved in the eIreland political system as a congressman, and VP of a political party.

Upon coming back I realized that eIreland has changed a lot since I departed. When starting up the first time there were numerous hands out towards mine, not simply with handouts, but with a hand up. People were available to show you the ropes, teach you how to fit in, and yes, get you started off in the right direction with supplies (some provided personally, some by the country). Now I understand that eIreland has been through some issues, and this has caused the country to cut back in some areas, which is understandable.

In light of the recent comments that have been made about political procedure and the people that are responsible for them, I felt that it was my duty to give an "outsiders" opinion. This is in no means a plug for any person, political party, or military unit. It's simply my observation since returning.

When I got back here, I had nothing. I had donated all of what I had years ago to others so that they could prosper. I didn't have any money to purchase food or weapons. You could call me a bum. I put word out that I was looking for a little help so that I could be a productive member of the eIreland society. I didn't realize it at first, but there was really only one group that helped me back on my feet. Multiple people, but one group. That group was Cromega. I have since joined the Cromega MU, but that is simply because of the help that they offered when I was in need. They didn't advise that I needed to join for them to continue supporting me, but I felt like it was the right thing to do given their generosity.

I have been back for roughly 30 days now, and I can say, they are still the only ones that have given me a fighting chance. For this reason I say that to those in the population that wish to push them out of eIreland, you are making a mistake. These are the guys that help attract new faces, and help old faces when they return. They have asked for nothing of me, and have continued to help. When they help me, I help eIreland.

So no ill will towards anyone that would call them out, but I think it's best if you shut it. They are doing more for this country than you are.