Regional Shifts and Moving Forward

Day 1,317, 20:36 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

In my last article, this great nation had only three regions left. As it appears at the time of this article, we are down to three regions, Texas, Hawaii, and Minnesota. This is very disheartening news to myself and thousands of others who were hoping to see more regions added when they get on tonight. What worries me the most is that when I wake up in the morning, I'll have no regions left as an American to claim as my home. I fear the end of America could be near, but I shall not give up hope on a better future. The players of this nation can always move past anything, and today, I hope whomever reads this feels the air of dignity we owe to this country and begin to take back what is ours. I will do my part, and I hope the rest of the nation does theirs as well.

Always check the IRC for breaking updates, and do not forget that we have to stay strong, and fight our hardest. Don't give up, don't ever give up. I'll continue to believe in America and the American people, and though I see a bad day today, I also predict the best days for the United States of America to lay ahead of us. We as people, as Americans, have always been united by a collective body of leadership, and that leadership is being put to the ultimate test right now. I vow not to fail this test, all great people must pass it. It is time for the nation to begin the long, hard pull towards a better union, a union with less bickering, and more active, more vibrant members. The time for discussion is long past, the time for action is just beginning.

I hope that this message reaches all of us Americans who are down about this nation. It can be quite depressing sometimes to read we lost another region. I'm informing and also providing a message, one of hope, dignity, and devotion to duty unseen before. I want to be an active American, and this paper allows me the time, and space, to motivate my fellow citizens. Join with me in the remaking of a nation. This is not the end of the eUS, but only a crucial turning point, and at this turning point, an even stronger, better nation is to spawn out. We must forget our egos and reputations and start fighting for the nation that gave many of us those very egos and reps to which we fight to preserve.

War is never a good thing. It tears nations, people, and unions that have stood for countless ages apart. It pushes friend against friend, brother versus brother. People lost touch with themselves and the world during a crisis. This one is no different. Let us not forget what we fight for, or what the dangers and price of war is. We all feel it, as our coffers start to deplete, and the government spends more and more time online giving the DoD orders. Time is currency in war, but another currency is power. People fight for too many wasteful causes these days, but now that we have been challenged by another nation, we must defeat them, and once again send the message to the world that America shall not, and will not fall. The rest of the world will judge us for what we do in these timeless hours. Let's not allow them to close the chapter of the U.S, but start the next volume of our illustrious history.