Questions about the eUSA

Day 467, 13:37 Published in USA Greece by Jeremy Hutchinson

Okay, it has come to my attention that most noobs that have money, donate it to their party. I think we are missing an opportunity here, people. I think the government should set up a brand new organization, just for those donations, which they could set a-side for future use, without paying interest. If the government would create this, they would have to keep track of how got what, and how much. Those people could access their "account" whenever they might need help. The only people that could access this should be the president and the vice-president. It's sort of like a bank, but not really. They could also just donate and not want it back.

Which leads me to another point. Let's say, hypothetically, in the future, Uncle Sam(or any other president.) isn't president and would get ticked and get back into the "Fort Knox Federal Reserve" and takes some money. Sound familiar? This is what Franco did. I say that the new president has the right to change the password to any Federal Reserve that we should have. (No offense Sam.)

The point of the "Fort Knox Federal Reserve" is to save money, but for what? "We are saving the money for a rainy day." Some might say, but will we even have one? It's a game, real life doesn't really happen much, like "The Great Depression", right? If it could happen, please explain to me how. I would really like to know.

One last question.
Do we favor Israel over Greece?! We already had an MPP with Israel as soon as we could. Nathan Woods told me that we did it because PEACE could easily take them over again. They can't do that to Greece? That's called "favoritism" and "being rude".

Please answer these questions via PMs or comments.