Day 2,698, 02:33 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988

Shalom Israel,

The citizens of Israel voted for hard workers. They chosen the future, because they believed we can make Israel a better place to live. And we will never disappoint to them. We subjected our-self the will of voters, and as we promised, the hard-work has been started!

Today I announce a program, which purpose is the national unity: E-Aliyah.
"Aliyah is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the land of Israel"

So today I send to every household of my brothers and sisters this message with the deepest respect in my voice.

Jewish Brothers and Sisters from around the world,

There is a great community in Israel, but as we all know, it can never be complete without you. We want to build a state, which stands the test of time.
The economy, military is nothing if we do not have community, so the time has come to call you home and unite our great nation.

Israel needs you.

Make e-Aliyah, and become a citizen of Israel, become the member of the Jewish community.

Come back home to the land of our ancestors!

yours faithfully,
President of Israel