Presidential Elections AMD. wins!

Day 4,337, 00:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Keithunder

time=08:42 BST
The system is simple plurality with no threshold

AMD........................... (Pirate Cats Party) 42 votes 60.9%
Pannonian Nomad............... (British Union) 27 votes 39.1%

Total Votes= 69 (-14)
Estimated Quota= 34.5
Projected Winner

Projected Losers
Pannonian Nomad

Last time results
Mr Woldy...................... (Anti Take-Over Party) 70 votes 84.3%
Mr Immanuel Kant.............. (British Anarchist Party) 13 votes 15.7%

votes vs Party members
AMD........................... (Pirate Cats Party) 42 votes from 65=64.6%
Pannonian Nomad............... (British Union) 27 votes from 3=900.%