Presidential Election.

Day 2,110, 09:13 Published in Ireland Poland by Random Irish Guy

hello people,
It is 17:50 on the 30th of August GMT , the Presidential elections are in 6 days, now I'm not going to pretend things are going to go the way I'd like it to, because let's be realistic , it could very well not go the way I hope it would, and that's the truth.

But there is another truth that I cannot stress enough, and that is each player has the ability to decide the outcome of this election regardless of rank

There are 3 candidates , 2 of which haven't even bothered writing election articles thus far and will probably leave it to the night before, So let me just ask yous this, Sweet has been president for 2 terms, he has said nothing in an article since then, is he really the person you guys want leading this country? , and Bhane, well let me be honest, I like Bhane , he's a solid guy and I have a lot of time for him but the fact that he's said nothing is alarming and silence is not a good attribute for a CP in my opinion.

As for WHS , he is the only candidate who has written an election article, in fact he has written two, which highlights his passion for this job, now there are obviously people who reckon I am only in it for the position, let me say this right now that I am not. The true reason is that WHS and I have similar views and he has more XP then me, so naturally I will back him to see changes I would desire to be made carried out.

Every man can make a difference if he wanted to, so go out and vote. If you share our views of an independent, united and thriving Ireland, vote for WHS.

Should we win this will be a Presidency that will not leave the people in the dark, this will be a government that will listen to opinions and inform the people both honestly and regularly.

And with all of this stated, I conclude this article.

Thanks for Reading,


P.S I can see the amount of readers so no excuses for not voting, it would only take a fraction of your time and will allow this campaign to reach the maximum amount of publicity as it possible can 😛