Poland Loses First Battle in Invasion of Britain

Day 788, 16:52 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

After months of hype the Polish launched their first assault into the British Isles by assaulting the South East of England. It was a risky move since Poland had no MPP support while the U.K. had 9 other Phoenix nations backing them up. In the end it was a rout for the U.K. as despite Poland's recent baby boom they just couldn't match the combined strength of 10 different PHX nations. The wall ended at close to 2.5 mil with neither side investing too much into tanks. Right before the loss in the South East, Poland had to begin damage control. They didn't want to risk the U.K. using their MPPs to beat them in conquest battles in France and Belgium so they had to region swap their coastal regions over to Spain in order to block their border with France. Some poles claim this was a blocking maneuver which would explain the lack of damage but it did also activate 9 of the U.K.'s MPPs and forced Poland to retreat from their regions that border the U.K.. Fortunately for EDEN Sweden has attacked Scotland so they should be able to keep Sweden blocked, if that was what Poland was trying to do.

Now the U.K. is striking back by going after the Spanish held Belgian regions. Earlier today they attacked Wallonia, not only does this give them a shot at regaining one of their former regions but this attack blocks the Spanish from launching their own offensive into the U.K. for the time being. Seeing as there aren't any MPPs active for this war Spain has a huge advantage since their population is more then triple that of the United Kingdom's. Spain does need to pay close attention to the battles though as with their troops diverted across three fronts most of the time, it makes things easier for PHX tanks to show up at the last minute and win one of the "forgotten" battles. The British have managed to jump out to an early lead in this battle though so anything could happen.

The U.S. could take some pressure off of Spain by launching an offensive into the Southwest of England. If the U.S. were to attack they could use the MPPs the U.K. activated a couple of months ago when they attacked the north east so that would take away the MPP edge that the British have over Spain and Poland. An attack would also prevent the U.K. from launching other attacks against Spain and Poland which would free them to up to invade the U.K. as well. Despite the U.S. holding the edge over the U.K. right now it may be awhile before an attack is launched since the U.S. really isn't in any sort of rush. America's MPPs will be active for as long as congress and the president want so it won't make too much of a difference whether the U.S. invades tomorrow or a month from now.

Lastly a couple of weeks ago I joined the federalist party and one of the things that impressed me about the party was that they had their own militia. Easy Company as it is called is a great place for those people who want to fight but who also want to stay closely affiliated with the party. They hand out free Q3 food to those who work in their companies and hand out weapons for important battles. They deploy to fight in other countries from time to time and for the most part function as a sort of independent army. If your interested in joining you should contact Qubert18 or Mourning star, you don't even need to be a federalist to join. That's about all for today and don't worry I have my own hospital article coming tomorrow.