Penguin Financial Investor Report

Day 1,531, 13:05 Published in Canada Canada by Lord Penguin

Before we get into this week's earnings I want to thank everyone who voted for me in the Congressional Elections, I had 13 Votes, and was in 4th place for Official Candidate.

This marks the first time I've been back in Congress in over a year, so I'll be a bit rusty.

As for the promise I made, here about making a donation to charity, for every vote I get, I have made the donation to Charity Water.

They are a great Charity, and one I fully support.

Now onto Investor news.

This week was a better week than last, having made about $16,000

I have received about $85,000 more in investments in the past day, they will be put into the fold this week, I currently have $40,000 on the market being turned into gold. For the next 50% off company upgrade, and the 85,000 will be used today, to expand for the comming week.

Here is the full investment report.

Now snimda, has announce that there is a new update coming, I do not know what this will be, and if it is something that will mess up the economy, your money is safe with me, if I have to work for the next two years at a 200/day job to pay off the investments, I will.

On this note, I am no longer accepting investments. I wish to focus on paying off what I owe now.